Employee Wellness

Time of Your Life









Social:  Good communication skills, developing the capacity for intimacy, and cultivating a support network of caring friends and family.


Spiritual:  Possessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, and values that give meaning and purpose to life.


Occupational:  Gaining personal fulfillment from employment, maintaining a sense of balance, and utilizing talents.


Financial:  Adopting smart fiscal management practices and being prepared for all possible expenses:  short-term, long-term, and emergency.


Environmental:  Advocating for sustainable change, contributing to the health of the planet, and living a “green” lifestyle.


Physical:  Eating well, exercising, avoiding harmful habits, recognizing the signs of disease, getting regular physical exams, and taking steps to prevent injury.


Intellectual:  Openness to new ideas, a capacity to question and think critically, and the motivation to master new skills.


Emotional:  Optimism, trust, self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-control, self-confidence, satisfying relationships, and an ability to share feelings.